Scroll down to RSS Distribution to see your RSS feed. Click Settings in the top right of your Spotify for Podcasters dashboard. Even after your podcast is deleted, the listing may stay active in aggregators’ directories. Note: We can’t help get your podcast removed from any platforms that scrape your RSS feed. This means your podcast may be listed on any and all podcast aggregators. Other platforms may scrape your RSS feed without your knowledge to aggregate content. We won’t distribute your podcast on your behalf. After you enable your RSS feed, you can submit your podcast to other platforms. Anyone with a link to your RSS feed will see your email address. This is often needed for podcasting platforms to verify accounts. Your email will be publicly available in the RSS feed. Before you enable your feed, here's what you need to know: If you host your podcast with Spotify, you need to enable your RSS feed. You need an RSS feed to submit your podcast to platforms outside of Spotify, like Apple Podcasts or Stitcher. Or, if you prefer, you may also be interested in downloading and using RSSAplet, a free Java RSS reader.An RSS feed is a file that contains all your podcast’s info. If you are interested in downloading an RSS reader, search for "RSS reader" in your favorite web search tool. In order to subscribe to an RSS feed, you will need to enter this URL in the RSS reader of your choice. By clicking on the link above, you may view our "raw" RSS feed.
When you sign up, you receive breaking news on your computer as soon as it is released.Ī number of RSS readers are available for download free of charge. It provides a convenient way for users to keep up with the latest headlines from their favorite sites without having to visit each one of them to see what's new. RSS (Really Simple Syndication, or Rich Site Summary) is a popular technology you can use to obtain fast updates from news sources such as JPL or NASA.